Mental Health – Creating Resilient Life Strategies in 2022 and Beyond
Physical Health – Creating Your Strategy for a Healthier Body in 2022 and Beyond.
Financial Health – Find Your FIRE! Financial Health Strategies in 2022 and Beyond
Healthcare Justice – Learn how to Voice Your Concerns™ About Your Healthcare
Black women have a maternal mortality rate that is four times higher than white women in the United States and it is increasing. For centuries, Black people have had the highest rates of illness (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease) as well as infant mortality, COVID-19 death and shorter life expectancy. It is critical of you to know your rights as patient and what the federal government requires via the Patient Bill of Rights. The healthcare system is complex and you must understand “who” is actually responsible for your healthcare. You will learn how systemic racism in the form of implicit and explicit bias is actually taught in medicals schools and explains why many providers believe that Black patients do not feel pain. You will learn how to Voice Your Concerns and take the appropriate action that may be needed to save your life or your loved ones.
Executive Coaching for Healthcare Leaders
Learn how to engage your healthcare staff to be more aware of racial bias (both implicit and explicit) and how it impacts healthcare outcomes. Learn who to create health daily Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that measure “what” the staff can do to improve the patient experience. For example, to reduce Hospital Acquired Infections, the daily nursing task that is measurable what % of nurse failed to complete the pressure ulcer assessment for new patients. Learn how to improve communication with Black patients by using key tools that address the humanity of both patients and staff.